Our extensive services in waterproofing and repair of concrete structures, coupled with our profound knowledge in different fields of engineering, enabled us to recognize that the root cause in most cases of early decay and distress in concrete structures was corrosion in today’s ribbed reinforcing bars at accelerated rates. We also recognized that once given surface protection in the form of waterproofing treatment, further progression of corrosion virtually stopped.
We pioneered the PERMAKAR surface treatment technology to arrest running water leakages in structures and to make structures waterproof and durable through the provision of such surface waterproofing systems.
We propagated the idea that in order that today’s concrete constructions could be durable, it was essential that concrete structures, like steel structures, be given surface protection in the nature of waterproofing treatment.
The Bureau of Indian Standards, Central Public Works Department, Indian Roads Congress, the Indian Railway Board have all agreed with our concept and issued their guides, standards, circulars, guidance letters and specifications on enhancement of life span of concrete structures through the provision of surface protection systems in the form of waterproofing treatment
The concept of essentiality of the provision of surface protection systems on today’s concrete structures for durability and the practice of waterproofing of structures through surface treatment are gaining ground in different countries.
The effectiveness and durability of our waterproofing treatments have enabled us to gain the highest reputation and goodwill in the market, as can be recognized from the adoption of numerous specifications on waterproofing in the line of our PERMAKAR Technology by Indian Railways, Public Works Department and others.