Swimming Pool Waterproofing

  • ESI

    Cement Based Waterproofing

  • ESI

    Cement Based Waterproofing


Engineering Services International(ESI), currently based in Salt Lake City, Kolkata, India, has contributed immensely to the international state-of-art in civil and other areas of engineering, most closely related to nuclear power projects, defence research and development, tall and long span structures, cement, steel reinforcing bars, durability of concrete structures, surface protection and waterproofing of concrete structures, applied mathematics, missile impact phenomena, explosions, shock and earthquake engineering
Dr Anil K Kar, Proprietor of Engineering Services International, started business operations in the name and style of Engineering Services International, in the year 1980. It was initially registered in the City of New York.
The concept of lengthening the life span of concrete structures by making such structures waterproof through the provision of surface treatments was developed and propounded by Dr Anil K Kar, Proprietor of Engineering Services International, in the 1980s and thereafter. This essential requirement in the case of today’s concrete structures has since been mandated by the Bureau of Indian Standards in Section 8.2.1 of its Standard IS 456:2000. The concept is gaining worldwide attention and practice.

As solutions to problems of water leakage and seepage in all types of structures : roofs and similarly exposed concrete surfaces, tunnels, basements, water reservoirs and other water retaining structures, concrete bridges and viaducts, Engineering Services International provides waterproofing services in the lines of its broad-based PERMAKAR Technology.


The items / specifications, specifically developed to address the specific needs of waterproofing and surface protection of different types of concrete structures with a view to making such structures durable, are based on waterproofing compounds, formulated and manufactured by Engineering Services International. Such compounds were specially formulated and the related specifications were developed in keeping with the nature of each different problem and the character of the structure.

Engineering Services International is reckoned as a reputed manufacturer and seller of specially formulated products for use in the waterproofing and long term protection of concrete structures. The Products conform to waterproofing systems, developed under ESI's PERMAKAR Technology. In the field of waterproofing of structures PERMAKAR, PERMAPROOF, PERMACIL, PERMACIL-GA, PERMANAR, BOND-X, ANTICOR are widely known names in India.

In recognition of the appropriateness and supremacy of the waterproofing systems, developed by Engineering Services International, and the long term effectiveness and durability of the waterproofing treatments, provided by ESI over the years, the Indian Railways have adopted eighteen items of waterproofing treatment in line with its PERMAKAR Technology for the protection of their concrete bridges, buildings, tunnels, water reservoirs and other water retaining structures. The specifications can be found in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials).

Who We Are?

Dr Anil K Kar, Proprietor of Engineering Services International, contributed extensively to the international state of art in many areas of engineering, be those in the arena of durability of concrete structures, or safety against missile and aircraft impact, weapon design, buoyancy and stability of structures against overturning, seismic qualification of nuclear safety related equipment and their support systems. He developed a method for accelerated convergence in analysis for nonlinear structural systems. He holds patent rights in India and abroad on steel reinforcing bar, fibre concrete, waterproofing materials, etc.

Engineering Services International, the creator of PERMAKAR Technology for innovative concrete construction and for making concrete structures durable, provides

  • Consultancy services on challenging engineering problems in areas of durability of concrete structures.
  • Construction services in structural repairs, with patented KARCRETE for durable concrete structures, surface protection and waterproofing of concrete structures

Products & Services

Waterproofing Compounds

Waterproofing Compounds for surface protection of concrete bridges and other structures.

Waterproofing Treatment

Waterproofing Treatment of concrete structures for all purposes.

Structural Repair

Structural Repair of concrete and masonry structures.


Our extensive services in waterproofing and repair of concrete structures, coupled with our profound knowledge in different fields of engineering, enabled us to recognize that the root cause in most cases of early decay and distress in concrete structures was corrosion in today’s ribbed reinforcing bars at accelerated rates. We also recognized that once given surface protection in the form of waterproofing treatment, further progression of corrosion virtually stopped.

We pioneered the PERMAKAR surface treatment technology to arrest running water leakages in structures and to make structures waterproof and durable through the provision of such surface waterproofing systems.

We propagated the idea that in order that today’s concrete constructions could be durable, it was essential that concrete structures, like steel structures, be given surface protection in the nature of waterproofing treatment.

The Bureau of Indian Standards, Central Public Works Department, Indian Roads Congress, the Indian Railway Board have all agreed with our concept and issued their guides, standards, circulars, guidance letters and specifications on enhancement of life span of concrete structures through the provision of surface protection systems in the form of waterproofing treatment


The concept of essentiality of the provision of surface protection systems on today’s concrete structures for durability and the practice of waterproofing of structures through surface treatment are gaining ground in different countries.

The effectiveness and durability of our waterproofing treatments have enabled us to gain the highest reputation and goodwill in the market, as can be recognized from the adoption of numerous specifications on waterproofing in the line of our PERMAKAR Technology by Indian Railways, Public Works Department and others.


Concrete structures of recent decades have suffered early decay and distress. It is a world wide problem. Dr Kar, Proprietor of Engineering Services International, recognized that in most cases this distress was caused by corrosion at accelerated rates in today’s ribbed rebars of steel.

Dr Kar further recognized that the customarily provided ribs on the surface of rebars of high strength (yield strength above 250 MPa) steel could be done away with by providing gentle wave-type configurations along the length of the rebars.

Considering all aspects of practicality in construction and achievement of the required engagement of the rebars with the surrounding concrete, Dr Kar innovated PSWC-bar with a 4 mm - 6mm (5 mm for standardization) maximum/peak excursion of the rebar from its original straight line configuration and a 20d - 30d (preferably 30d for standardization, where d is the diameter of the rebar) distance between two neighbouring peaks on the same side of curved configurations of the rebars.

While the plain surface automatically ensures corrosion at rates much less than the rates of corrosion in ribbed rebars, and thus helps lengthen the life span of reinforced concrete constructions several fold, the enhanced engagement with concrete, provided by the gentle wave pattern, makes the PSWC-bar a wonder bar.

Tests at different universities, leading to over a dozen theses, have shown that PSWC-bar, characterized by its plain surface and a gentle wave-type configuration, helps avoid early corrosion. Its use as rebars in concrete construction helps structures carry significantly higher loads. It makes concrete structures greater resistant to earthquake forces. Its use can help reduce the CO2 emission and global warming very substantially. All at no added cost.

The highly acclaimed PSWC-bar, the fruit of our innovation, has the power to change the course of engineering and the efforts to make the world a more liveable place. At no extra effort or cost, the use of PSWC-bar as rebars in concrete construction can greatly enhance the life span of concrete structures, make concrete structures safer during earthquake events, and lower the total global carbon dioxide emission from all sources by about 5.0 percent and lower the warming of the environment. All of these at no added effort or cost.

It can thus be a one-stop solution at Engineering Services International
for many challenging engineering problems.