S.O.R. / Item No. | Description of Item | Waterproofing Compounds (Reference : Indian Railways Unified Standard Analysis Of Rates) |
109010 | Jack arch roofs (with cementitious waterproofing compound) | |
Surface protection of jack arch roofs with cementitious waterproofing compound including reinstating missing or loose tie rodsat end bays of arches (at extra cost); removing existing tarfelt and other damaged waterproofing systems; replacing soft or damaged lime terrace, if at isolated locations, with cement concrete (1:2:4); sealing cracks on the roof surface with sealing compound of acrylic-styrene copolymer having density of 0.9, pH 7.0 to 8.0 and having excellent bond & waterproofing properties and a minimum expandability of at least 200%; providing a 10 mm thick cement-sand (1:4) plaster on the entire surface; curing for 7 days; waterproofing the surface with a two-layer plaster; the first layer shall be 5 mm thick with cement (OPC or slag), admixed with an octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing compound In the weight ratio of 50:3 for cement and waterproofing compound; and second layer of 12 mm thick cement-sand (1:4) plaster, enriched with polyester fibre and curing the plastered surface (polyester fibre to be paid under separate item)
PERMANAR and PERMAKAR 3 PERMANAR : Requirement : 0.09 litre/sqm (approx.) PERMAKAR 3 : Requirement : 0.60 kg/sqm |
Specification No. 10.33.1 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
109020 | Jack Arch Roofs (With Polymer) | |
Surface protection of jack arch roofs with polymer incl. reinstating missing or loose tie rods at end bays of arches (at extra cost); removing existing tar felt and other damaged waterproofing systems; replacing soft or damaged lime terrace, if at isolated locations, with cement concrete (1:2:4); sealing cracks on the roof surface with a sealing compound of acrylic-styrene copolymer; waterproofing the surface with three coats of the acrylic-styrene copolymer, admixed with an octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing compound in the weight ratio of 3:1 to build up a thickness of about 1.0 mm; spreading dry coarse sand on the third coat when wet; finally providing a 6 mm thick cement-sand (1:4) plaster enriched with polyester fibre and curing (polyester fibre to be paid under separate item)
PERMANAR and PERMAKAR 3 PERMANAR : Requirement : 0.10 for crack + 0.50 for coating = 0.60 litre/sqm PERMAKAR 3 : Requirement : 0.15 kg/sqm |
Specification No. 10.33.2 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
109030 | Point Leak and Construction Joint Arresting water leakages at isolated locations (points of leakage), at cracks and at construction joints with a putty of cement (OPC or slag), modified with a cementitious quick setting compound in a weight ratio of 1:10 (1 part compound : 10 parts cement) and modified with a silica waterproofing compound having the properties of making cement quick setting and non-shrinking in quantities to suit the water pressure conditions at the site and finally topping the plugged material with a surface waterproofing treatment (to be paid separately) |
PERMAKAR 1 and PERMAKAR 4 PERMAKAR 1: Requirement : 0.40 kg/each Point Leak and 1.20kg/metre of Construction joint PERMAKAR 4 : Requirement : 0.095 kg/each Point leak and 0.32 kg/metre of Construction joint |
109031 | For Leakage Points | |
109032 | For Construction Joints | |
Specification No. 10.34 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
109040 | -- Surface Treatment Water proofing surface treatment inside walls and floors of water reservoirs, swimming pools, sunken slabs/toilet floors and inside of basements, etc. by cleaning the surface; preparing the surface by acid etching; treating the surface with a two layer plaster; the first layer shall be 7/6mm thick with octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing compound and cement in the weight ratio of 3:50 for waterproofing compound and cement; cement-sand (1:2 on floors of basements and tunnels, 1:3 elsewhere) plaster (12 mm thick on floor, 8 mm thick on vertical surfaces and at ceiling) and curing the plastered surface |
PERMAKAR 3 PERMAKAR 3 : Requirement : 0.72 kg/sqm for inside of tunnels, basements and toilets and 0.84 kg/sqm for water reservoirs and other water retaining structures where treatment will be in direct contact with water |
109041 | Inside Tunnel Surface | |
109042 | Inside Water Reservoir | |
Specification No. 10.35 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
Buildings and similarly exposed concrete structure |
109050 | Roofs and similarly exposed concrete surfaces (with cementitious waterproofing materials) Water proofing of roofs and exposed concrete surfaces by cleaning and preparing the surfaces by acid etching; treating it with a two-layer plaster; the first layer 5 mm thick with cement (OPC or slag), admixed with an octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing compound in the weight ratio of 50:3 for cement and waterproofing compound; finally providing a 12 mm thick cement-sand (1:4) plaster, enriched with polyester fibre, and curing the plastered surface; the treatment shall be impermeable under a waterhead of 20.0 m, (polyester triangular fibre and removal of existing damaged waterproofing system, PCC, Lime Terracing etc., if any, to be paid extra under separate item) |
PERMAKAR 3 Requirement : 0.60 kg/sqm for roofs and similarly exposed surfaces above ground, other than water retaining structures |
Specification No. 10.36.1 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
Buildings and similarly exposed concrete structure |
109060 | Roofs and similarly exposed concrete surfaces (Polymer treatment for roofs) Water proofing of roofs and exposed concrete surfaces using polymeric waterproofing compound by cleaning and drying the surface; applying two coats (DFT of 200-300 micron) of translucent brown coloured phenolic resin based single component high performance polymeric waterproofing compound @ 0.6 litre per square metre, with demonstrable properties of resistance to water and acid; spraying a layer of dry coarse sand on the second coat when still wet; removing excess sand on the following day; permitting the coatings to cure and dry naturally for 3-7 days; providing a 12 mm thick cement-sand (1:4) cover plaster; curing the plaster; the treatment shall be impermeable under a waterhead of 20m (removal of existing damaged waterproofing system, PCC, Lime Terracing etc., if any, to be paid extra under separate item) |
PERMAPROOF Requirement : 0.60 litre/sqm for roofs and similarly exposed surfaces above ground, other than water retaining structures |
Specification No. 10.36.2 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
Building Roofs |
109070 | Drain Mouth on Roof Making Drain mouth on roof waterproof by cleaning the surface of the structure at the location of drain mouth; lowering the drain mouth to the level of the concrete roof; chipping; thorough cleaning; mixing thoroughly an octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing compound in the weight ratio of 50 cement (OPC or slag) and 3 waterproofing compound; placing the drain mouth in its final position, followed by filling of the annular space around the drain pipe with a paste of waterproofing compound-cement; sealing the edges of the drain mouth with acrylic-styrene based copolymer waterproofing compound |
PERMAKAR 3 and PERMANAR PERMAKAR 3 : Requirement : 0.20 kg/each drain (approx.) PERMANAR : Requirement : 0.20 litre/each drain (approx.) |
Specification No. 10.38 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure | ||
Buildings roofs |
109080 | Sealing of Cracks in Concrete Roofs Sealing of cracks in concrete roofs by making a V-shaped groove 8-10 mm wide and 3-5 mm deep; filling the groove with acrylic-styrene based copolymer waterproofing compound in water by repeated application of the waterproofing compound; spreading dry coarse sand when the last application of the sealing compound still wet; removing the excess sand on the following day and letting the treatment dry up for at least a day before any surface treatment on the roof |
PERMANAR Requirement : 0.20 litre/metre (approx.) |
Specification No. 10.39 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
Buildings |
109090 | Treatment of Expansion Joints Treatment of expansion joints by cleaning the joint and surfaces abutting the expansion joint, applying two coats of primer on the cleaned surfaces at the opening of the joint, filling the joint (to a depth equaling half the width) with the paste of a two-component polysulphide based sealant (with base-curing agent weight ratio of 12.33:1 and a sp. gr. of 1.60±0.10 gms/cc, permitting the sealant to cure in natural air for at least a day, providing the edges of the treatment with two coats of a paste of octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing compound and acrylic-styrene based copolymer waterproofing material in the weight ratio of 1:3 |
PERMASULPH and PERMAPRIME PERMASULPH : Requirement : 1.20 kg/metre (for joint width of 37 mm) PERMAPRIME : Requirement : 0.08 litre/metre (for joint width of 37 mm) |
Specification No. 10.40 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
222350 | Piers, Substructures and Box Bridges or Culverts in River Beds and Sidewalks Surface protection of Piers, Substructure, Box bridges and culverts in river bed by cleaning & preparing the surfaces by acid etching; treating surface with a two-layer plaster; first layer of 7 mm (5 mm in case of sidewalk) thick with cement (OPC or slag) admixed with an octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing compound (Max. bulk density 0.5 gm/cc), in the weight ratio of 50:3 for cement and waterproofing compound and second layer of 12 mm thick cement-sand (1:2.5) plaster, enriched with polyester fibre (to be paid separately) and curing the plastered surface. Treatment shall be impermeable under a waterhead of 20.0 m, (Note : In lieu of etching with acid the surface can be roughened or bond improved by other appropriate means) complete as per specification. |
PERMAKAR 3 Requirement : 0.84 kg/sqm for piers, substructures and box bridges or culverts in river beds (0.60 kg/sqm for sidewalks) |
222351 | Piers, substructure, Box bridges and culverts in river bed | |
222352 | Sidewalks | |
Specification No. 22.14.1 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
222360 | Underside of Bridge Decks, Girders, Inside of Box Girders, Railings, etc. or Bridges and Piers and Substructures which are not in River Bed Surface protection of Underside of Bridge Decks, Girders, Inside of Box Girders, Railings, etc. of Bridges and Piers and Substructures which are not in River Bed by cleaning and drying the surface; repairing local defects, e.g. honeycombs with a paste of cement admixed with 5% by weight of cement of Polymer bonding agent, applying (@ 0.30 litre per square metre) a coat (DFT of 100-150 micron) of a translucent brown coloured modified phenolic resin based single component high performance polymeric waterproofing compound (sp. gr. 0.87, rosin content nil and a solid content of minimum 0.47%), applying (@ 0.25 litre/sqm) a top coat of a modified phenolic resin based single component waterproofing compound of grey or other shades (sp. gr. 0.85) before the base coat becomes tack-free; permitting the coatings to cure and dry naturally; the 2-coat system shall be impermeable under a water head of 20 m, complete as per specification |
PERMAPROOF and PERMACIL-GA PERMAPROOF : Requirement : 0.30 litre/sqm for underside of bridge deck, railing, etc. of bridges and piers and substructures PERMACIL-GA (or other shades) : Requirement : 0.25 litre/sqm for underside of bridge deck, railing, etc. of bridges and piers and substructures BOND-X : Depends on site conditions. |
Specification No. 22.14.2 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
222370 | Bridge Deck Surface protection of Bridge Deck by cleaning and preparing the surface by acid etching; treating the surface with a two-layer plaster; first layer of 5 mm thick with cement (OPC or slag), admixed with an octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing compound (bulk density not greater than 0.5 gm/cc) in the weight ratio of 50:3 for cement and waterproofing compound, further enriched with specially fabricated deformed galvanized steel fibre (@ 150 gm/sqm of treated surface and second layer of 12 mm thick cement-sand (1:2.5) plaster, enriched with polyester fibre (to be paid separately) and curing the plastered surface. Treatment shall be impermeable under a waterhead of 20m complete as per specifications |
PERMAKAR 3 and KARFIB PERMAKAR 3 : Requirement : 0.60 kg/sqm for bridge deck KARFIB : Requirement : 150 gm/sqm for bridge deck |
Specification No. 22.14.3 in the Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications (Works & Materials) provides greater details on the Description of Item and application procedure. | ||
Swimming Pool Waterproofing
Cement Based Waterproofing
Cement Based Waterproofing